2024 Board of Directors
In Alphabetical Order:
Kevin Bass (Dec 2025)
Kamryn Black (Dec 2026*)
Pam Hammonds (Dec 2026)
Sara Lindsey (Dec 2025)
George McKee (Dec 2024*)
SaraKatherine Manning-Beavin (Dec 2024)
Lora Pace (Dec 2025)
Diana Reeder (Dec 2025)
Kim Hall Shannon (Dec 2024)
Kendall Vance (Dec 2026*)
*Indicates non-eligibility for re-election at end of term, per bylaws.
Kevin Bass (Dec 2025)
Kamryn Black (Dec 2026*)
Pam Hammonds (Dec 2026)
Sara Lindsey (Dec 2025)
George McKee (Dec 2024*)
SaraKatherine Manning-Beavin (Dec 2024)
Lora Pace (Dec 2025)
Diana Reeder (Dec 2025)
Kim Hall Shannon (Dec 2024)
Kendall Vance (Dec 2026*)
*Indicates non-eligibility for re-election at end of term, per bylaws.
The MTG Board of Directors meets the second Monday of each month. The meetings are open, all are welcome to attend.
6:30 pm, at 5445 Flemingsburg Rd (Frontier Housing Building)
6:30 pm, at 5445 Flemingsburg Rd (Frontier Housing Building)